After we got them all nice and roudy, we let them pass out their Valentines and candy. They were able to look through them and read them for a little bit before snack time. They had cupcakes, cookies, candy, chips and dip, and Hawiian punch. There were also pudding cups, more cookies and candy, and chips donated that were not used. The items that are not used are given to his teacher to use for snack days in the future. After snack it was time for the kids to move on to other classroom fun, but we gave our hugs and said our "Thank Yous" and went on about our day!
Since Zachery's party overlaps Quentin's, I'm usually only able to hit the last 10 min. or so. But after Quentin's party we trucked on over to Zach's class and had more fun with them. They decorated their own boxes and cards for their friends. They use Valentine's Day as a time to learn to spell their names on the from line. Zachery had tons of fun, but was ready to go when we got there. Each of the boys gave a candle holder and candle to their teachers and we left school early.
After parties, we take a few min. for mom and boys and go to the Eldon Drive-In (AKA: The Drink Store) and have us a soda and maybe even a small baby cone. Then we go pick up the girls and head home!
Happy Valentine's Day to All!
I want to have a fun V-day next year!!!!I had a dance this year!!!