Thursday evening the Family Fun Circus rolled into Eldon, MO and gave us a night of winter fun. Unfortunately, James had to work, so we asked grandma to come with us and I think I even seen her smile a little. We are use to outside circuses filled with animals in the middle of summer, so we didn't know what to expect from this small inside circus, but all in all it was a good show. Like most circuses, this group was a family that traveled around entertaining and selling high priced toys and food, but unlike most circuses that I have seen, this circus was a traveling Chinese circus. Which was pretty cool considering my newest little neice is Chinese, so I got to learn a little bit from this experience.

This young clown was halarious and had Quentin rolling in his seat. Like most clowns he was annoying to the other performers, but halarious to the crowd. At one point in the show, he came out playing a trumpet while the Ringmaster was trying to introduce the next act. He got sent away, but kept coming out with different items such as: a bike horn, a harmonica, a Kazoo, and many more. At the end he came out with a whistle and he ran to hide it, except he didn't hide it, so when the Ringmaster went to get it, the clown attatched the whistle to the Ringmasters behind. Then he went around behind him as he looked for the whistle and blew it.
There was also a guy (can't remember his name) that came out and kindof scared the kids at first, but then they realized that his face changed colors. Red, blue, green, purple, white, black and more. As the colors would change you would hear the kids yelling out the next color. It was great!

They had a bounce house for the kids to enjoy before, after, and during intermition. Zachery didn't want to go in, because he wanted to stay and eat popcorn with grandma. Quentin begged and begged to go in and then got right back out, he was to scared...pansy :) The girls went in a little scared at first, but got used to it quickly. They loved it so much they went back in a couple times.
Above are some pictures of the poor guys that got attacked by the clown. They were picked from the audience and were picked on when they got to the stage. The end result was all of them laying on each other to make a table, the best part is when the clown left them there and didn't give them back the chairs they started out on :)
Of course they had the girl who could hula hoop with like 50 hula hoops. I used to be able to do that, but now not so much!
Quentin was kind of disappointed to find out that there were no animals in the show, but he quickly forgot when the Chinese lions came out. I didn't get to see the whole act, because I was taking the girls poddy, but I was told that they balanced on a giant ball at the same time, played teeter-totter, and balanced on the poles above. I would have to agree with Quentin, this was my favorite part too (as much as I got to see).
The kids made out pretty good by the end of the night. They had peanuts, balloons, soda, popcorn, and cotton candy. Not to mention the Mcdonald's they had afterwards. We all had a blast, but the big bite of the night was that James got off as we were coming out the doors. He called to see if we were still there :( All in all we all had a blast!
Sounds like a lot of fun!