Santa brought two gifts for each kid including: a scooter for Zach, computers (play) for the girls, and Gator golf for Quentin. After playing with Santa's presents, the kids dug into their stockings and found candy, books, and various small toys. James stuffed my stocking while I did his and I got some kitchen utensils, candy, and bath stuff. James got some cologne, candy, and some small tools. After they were done with the stockings they proceeded to the gifts that they got from us.
The kids did not miss out this year and actually, they probably got to much :) This is the first

All the kids recieved a new comforter set (Dinosaurs, Lightening Mcqueen, Princess, and Tinker Bell), but that is not all. Quentin got movies, books, computer game, clothes, animals, moon sand set, and an adventure kit. Zachery got Lightening McQueen body pillow, remote control car, games, work bench and tools, CARS poster, motorcycle, and books. The girls got a dish set, food set, clothes, vaccume, baby doll set, books,

James got a new/old truck that he wanted to fix up and make pretty (my words not his :), movies, tools, and model cars. His favorite gift is the one that Quentin got him when he went to Santa's workshop. Quentin got him a fishing lure, when James opened it Quentin said "I got that for you, so that you can by a fishing pole and come fishing with me and papa this summer." I think I seen a glimmer of a tear in James' eye :)
I got some new dishes, a foot scrub kit (from Kariana-boy does she know me :), new cd's to replish my set that was stolen, and a new knife set. I also got some movies and between us all we raked in over 20 movies in two days. The best gift I got was watching my kids eyes light up when they got what they wanted. It always is and probably always will be!

That night we ate Christmas dinner and James picked chicken this year. I made two small chickens with a lemon herb seasoning and had the usual trimmings to go along with. A lot of food for us, but that just means Christmas dinner gets extended into Christmas lunch the next day! We had a long and tiring couple of days, but it was fun and keeps me looking forward to the New Year. We get to all go hang with some extended family that we don't see very often on Saturday and we will probably play games with the family to ring in the New Year, so there will be more pictures to come!
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