This year the fun started on Christmas Eve like all other years and our house was the gathering spot for the family. We usually rotate through and have different gartherings at different family members houses to keep all things fare. It was my brothers turn, but something came up and I volunteered to have things rerouted to our house. Our house is usually a pretty good size, but after adding almost 20 more people and a ton of presents the space slowly dwendled. Everyone managed to find a spot and wasn't even all that cramped.
We started the night off very hungry, because we all got our wires crossed. My mom asked us all to be here to get ready to eat at 5:00pm, so everyone showed up at five thinking that they were starting to eat at about 5:30pm. To our suprise, my sister was asked to bring the main dish, but wasn't getting there till 6:00pm, because she had to work. So after skipping Lunch and snack in order to fit in lots of Christmas goodies, my tummy was yelling for some food.
She showed up right on time and we all ate turkey and roast beef sandwiches with chips, dip, pickles, olives, and much more. We try to keep the meal simple and quick, because with our big family it takes awhile to open present. It also helps with the cost and we all usually have our own dinner planned the next day anyway. After dinner we all found a spot on the floor and open our gifts. The one that we all wait for every year is our family goody boxes that my mom makes us. This year we had apples, oranges, peanut butter cookies, homemade jerky, homemade fudge, homemade chocolate covered pretzels, and so much more! We all love it! I don't bake much, so the homemade stuff is nice. Thanks Mom!
Every year my mom and dad says they are going to cut back the next year, but this year they got just as much as last year, but this year they were all bigger. The girls got a new kitchen, Dora pop-out tunnel, more
dishes than they know what to do with, lots of books, and to much more to mention. Zachery got Lightening McQueen hat/gloves/slippers, remote control 4-wheeler, play-doh, Lightening McQueen blanket, books and more. Quentin came out with dinosaurs, books, moon sand kits, movies (too many:), V-smile games, and more. James got tools, gift cards, movies, and more. I got most of the things on my list, including the pantry that I've wanted for awhile. My house is nice, but lacks the cabinet space! I also got a wreath that was made by my neice and nephews.
James' brother Tommy (10 years old) came again this year and loaded up on gifts as well. James' best gift this year was finding his long lost sisters! When I say long lost, I mean they hadn't seen each other in years and when James' dad past he was unable to find them (not to lack of trying:). After 2 1/2 years (of looking) his sister Tracey called out of the blue and then he was also able to get in contact with his sister Carrie. They have done a lot of catching up, but from where I'm sitting, they seem to of started at the same place they left off, with no broken bridges.
After everyone enjoyed their presents they had worked off all that food and was ready to eat deserts. There were cookies and cake rolls and by were I mean they didn't last long and now there are none :) By then it was about 10:00pm and people had to get up early on Christmas for more fun, so we all wished our bests, said our "Thank Yous" and they headed home.
For me, the night was just getting started! I cleaned up the house and waited for the kids to go to bed. After I was sure they were asleep I stuffed their stockings and put out the "Santa" presents. James ate the cookies (making sure to leave some crumbs) and drank some milk. We finally wished each other a Merry Christmas (it was midnight at that time) and headed off to dreamland.
Our Christmas Eve went well and we hoped that Christmas Day would go just as well. Hope all of yours did the same! Merry Christmas!

She showed up right on time and we all ate turkey and roast beef sandwiches with chips, dip, pickles, olives, and much more. We try to keep the meal simple and quick, because with our big family it takes awhile to open present. It also helps with the cost and we all usually have our own dinner planned the next day anyway. After dinner we all found a spot on the floor and open our gifts. The one that we all wait for every year is our family goody boxes that my mom makes us. This year we had apples, oranges, peanut butter cookies, homemade jerky, homemade fudge, homemade chocolate covered pretzels, and so much more! We all love it! I don't bake much, so the homemade stuff is nice. Thanks Mom!
Every year my mom and dad says they are going to cut back the next year, but this year they got just as much as last year, but this year they were all bigger. The girls got a new kitchen, Dora pop-out tunnel, more

James' brother Tommy (10 years old) came again this year and loaded up on gifts as well. James' best gift this year was finding his long lost sisters! When I say long lost, I mean they hadn't seen each other in years and when James' dad past he was unable to find them (not to lack of trying:). After 2 1/2 years (of looking) his sister Tracey called out of the blue and then he was also able to get in contact with his sister Carrie. They have done a lot of catching up, but from where I'm sitting, they seem to of started at the same place they left off, with no broken bridges.
After everyone enjoyed their presents they had worked off all that food and was ready to eat deserts. There were cookies and cake rolls and by were I mean they didn't last long and now there are none :) By then it was about 10:00pm and people had to get up early on Christmas for more fun, so we all wished our bests, said our "Thank Yous" and they headed home.
For me, the night was just getting started! I cleaned up the house and waited for the kids to go to bed. After I was sure they were asleep I stuffed their stockings and put out the "Santa" presents. James ate the cookies (making sure to leave some crumbs) and drank some milk. We finally wished each other a Merry Christmas (it was midnight at that time) and headed off to dreamland.
Our Christmas Eve went well and we hoped that Christmas Day would go just as well. Hope all of yours did the same! Merry Christmas!
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