Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Happy New Year!

The year has gone by fast and has challenged us time and time again, but it is coming to an end and it is time to make your resolutions and party like it's 2009. Stay safe and have fun! I am taking this time to wish everyone a Happy New Year!

Happy 2009!

Monday, December 29, 2008

Play-Doh Play Time!

James, the kids, and I have spent the last few days opening and playing with the various toys they recieved for Christmas. Yesterday we all sat down and put puzzle after puzzle together and played with the Lincoln Logs (from Aunt Brandi) that I am sure I stepped on about a hundred times :) They have watched movies on their new VCR/DVD player and played "truck attack" with the two remote control cars that Zach got. James and I found time to go to Red Lobster and use our gift cards (yum yummy) and we officially ended Christmas by taking down all the decorations and preparing for the new year.

Although the week had been busy, the kids decided that the fun was to be continued and that it was time to play with Zachery's play-doh, the girls play-doh set (ice cream shoppe), and Quentin's moon sand. They all had a blast making all sorts of food for James and I to eat. The food ranged any where from whole fish to ice cream cones and Quentin even made some dinosaur stew out of moon sand for us to enjoy. We have had so much fun, we almost wish time could freeze for awhile and James wouldn't have to go back to work and the kids and I wouldn't have to go back to school, but we have decided that we are going to make sure we make time for these kinds of activities and we are going to enjoy being a family at all times. Even when the hussle and bussle of life get in the way!

Family Reunion?

My Aunt Mindy came from California to visit and to show off her new hubby and baby. We had met Charlie before they were married, but due to the wedding being a small ceremony in Italy, this is the first time we met him as her hubby. Harmony, the "baby" we have never met, but after a little convincing she finally adapted and found a friend in Peyton (nephew). She was so cute and had us all rolling on the floor in laughter. Between the fake trips to the trash can and the chancing of the remote control car she was the hit of the night and it only took us 16 months to meet this bouncing bundle of joy, but it was worth the wait. We all had a good time playing cards, eating pizza, and catching up the last couple of years.

My Aunt Vicky came up from Texas, but she came down with the stomach flu and was unable to join us. Even though she was unable to come and join in on the fun, she sent some gifts to us. She made me some ornaments with the kids pictures on them and got me a nice warm and fuzzy blanket. Some how she managed to get the blanket in my favorite color (green) and even got my favorite people (my kiddos) on the ornaments. Boy does she know me or what?

Everyone started filing out around 8:30 pm and the last few left by 11:00 pm. We all had a blast, but due to my sister keeping all four of my kids over night, I was lost and bored. I had a hard time getting to sleep and then staying asleep without them. It was nice for the little bit of adult time I had with my parents, sister/brother-in-law, and hubby, but still a little sense of emptiness rose over me.

Hope everyone has a wonderful New Year! Happy 2009!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Santa Claus Has Come To Town!

The Kids woke up bright and early (7:30 am) on Christmas morning and seen that Santa had stopped by with presents. The cookies and milk were gone and so was the reindeer food left on the lawn.

Santa brought two gifts for each kid including: a scooter for Zach, computers (play) for the girls, and Gator golf for Quentin. After playing with Santa's presents, the kids dug into their stockings and found candy, books, and various small toys. James stuffed my stocking while I did his and I got some kitchen utensils, candy, and bath stuff. James got some cologne, candy, and some small tools. After they were done with the stockings they proceeded to the gifts that they got from us.

The kids did not miss out this year and actually, they probably got to much :) This is the first year they were able to get a big Christmas and that is what we gave them! It was very nice and even without the gifts we all had a blast.

All the kids recieved a new comforter set (Dinosaurs, Lightening Mcqueen, Princess, and Tinker Bell), but that is not all. Quentin got movies, books, computer game, clothes, animals, moon sand set, and an adventure kit. Zachery got Lightening McQueen body pillow, remote control car, games, work bench and tools, CARS poster, motorcycle, and books. The girls got a dish set, food set, clothes, vaccume, baby doll set, books, and a toy phone.

James got a new/old truck that he wanted to fix up and make pretty (my words not his :), movies, tools, and model cars. His favorite gift is the one that Quentin got him when he went to Santa's workshop. Quentin got him a fishing lure, when James opened it Quentin said "I got that for you, so that you can by a fishing pole and come fishing with me and papa this summer." I think I seen a glimmer of a tear in James' eye :)

I got some new dishes, a foot scrub kit (from Kariana-boy does she know me :), new cd's to replish my set that was stolen, and a new knife set. I also got some movies and between us all we raked in over 20 movies in two days. The best gift I got was watching my kids eyes light up when they got what they wanted. It always is and probably always will be!

That night we ate Christmas dinner and James picked chicken this year. I made two small chickens with a lemon herb seasoning and had the usual trimmings to go along with. A lot of food for us, but that just means Christmas dinner gets extended into Christmas lunch the next day! We had a long and tiring couple of days, but it was fun and keeps me looking forward to the New Year. We get to all go hang with some extended family that we don't see very often on Saturday and we will probably play games with the family to ring in the New Year, so there will be more pictures to come!

Holiday Fun!

This year the fun started on Christmas Eve like all other years and our house was the gathering spot for the family. We usually rotate through and have different gartherings at different family members houses to keep all things fare. It was my brothers turn, but something came up and I volunteered to have things rerouted to our house. Our house is usually a pretty good size, but after adding almost 20 more people and a ton of presents the space slowly dwendled. Everyone managed to find a spot and wasn't even all that cramped.

We started the night off very hungry, because we all got our wires crossed. My mom asked us all to be here to get ready to eat at 5:00pm, so everyone showed up at five thinking that they were starting to eat at about 5:30pm. To our suprise, my sister was asked to bring the main dish, but wasn't getting there till 6:00pm, because she had to work. So after skipping Lunch and snack in order to fit in lots of Christmas goodies, my tummy was yelling for some food.

She showed up right on time and we all ate turkey and roast beef sandwiches with chips, dip, pickles, olives, and much more. We try to keep the meal simple and quick, because with our big family it takes awhile to open present. It also helps with the cost and we all usually have our own dinner planned the next day anyway. After dinner we all found a spot on the floor and open our gifts. The one that we all wait for every year is our family goody boxes that my mom makes us. This year we had apples, oranges, peanut butter cookies, homemade jerky, homemade fudge, homemade chocolate covered pretzels, and so much more! We all love it! I don't bake much, so the homemade stuff is nice. Thanks Mom!

Every year my mom and dad says they are going to cut back the next year, but this year they got just as much as last year, but this year they were all bigger. The girls got a new kitchen, Dora pop-out tunnel, more dishes than they know what to do with, lots of books, and to much more to mention. Zachery got Lightening McQueen hat/gloves/slippers, remote control 4-wheeler, play-doh, Lightening McQueen blanket, books and more. Quentin came out with dinosaurs, books, moon sand kits, movies (too many:), V-smile games, and more. James got tools, gift cards, movies, and more. I got most of the things on my list, including the pantry that I've wanted for awhile. My house is nice, but lacks the cabinet space! I also got a wreath that was made by my neice and nephews.

James' brother Tommy (10 years old) came again this year and loaded up on gifts as well. James' best gift this year was finding his long lost sisters! When I say long lost, I mean they hadn't seen each other in years and when James' dad past he was unable to find them (not to lack of trying:). After 2 1/2 years (of looking) his sister Tracey called out of the blue and then he was also able to get in contact with his sister Carrie. They have done a lot of catching up, but from where I'm sitting, they seem to of started at the same place they left off, with no broken bridges.

After everyone enjoyed their presents they had worked off all that food and was ready to eat deserts. There were cookies and cake rolls and by were I mean they didn't last long and now there are none :) By then it was about 10:00pm and people had to get up early on Christmas for more fun, so we all wished our bests, said our "Thank Yous" and they headed home.

For me, the night was just getting started! I cleaned up the house and waited for the kids to go to bed. After I was sure they were asleep I stuffed their stockings and put out the "Santa" presents. James ate the cookies (making sure to leave some crumbs) and drank some milk. We finally wished each other a Merry Christmas (it was midnight at that time) and headed off to dreamland.

Our Christmas Eve went well and we hoped that Christmas Day would go just as well. Hope all of yours did the same! Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Stair Sledding!

Last night we got bored and was trying to mattress surf down the stairs, but the mattress kept collapsing and didn't work well. After trying various sleds such as cardboard and couch cushions we finally found the lid to the kids toy box works the best. They had a blast trying to stay on the sled! After I went, Quentin was the first to go and was scared to death (note look on face), but after he got to the bottom he jump up and said "Again!" We even managed to get James up and involved in the games :) I recommend anyone who has stairs and some spare time, GO STAIR SLEDDING!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Happy New Year!

Amanda and Emilee come to visit!

My neices Amanda and Emilee came to stay the night with us this past Friday night. They arrived here a little after 4pm and immediatly asked where James was. He didn't come home till about 7pm, but the kids managed to have fun anyway. We had some cheesy potatoe soup for supper and after James got home we all sat down with some popcorn and watched Space Chimps. The kids really enjoyed it and even us adults thought it was pretty funny. The kids went to bed about 9:30pm while Amanda and Emilee stayed up till after midnight. James and I gave them the typical staying up late lecture and turned in around 11:30pm. Emilee got picked up the next morning around noon, while Amanda stayed till about 6pm. They kept us busy and entertained, but it was all fun. We all love when the girls come to visit and can't wait till they come again!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Pictures with Frosty

While the boys spent the weekend at their aunt Ambers', the girls and I decided to play around with some of the extra fake snow I had. We turned on some Christmas music and played. They played around making snow angels and laying in it, so I couldn't help but take some pictures. We even had a fake snowball fight and let me tell you fake snow and a warm house is the way to go. After awhile I decided to move the end table in front of the Frosty door cover and have them take pictures with Frosty. The pictures turned out with a little glare, (because of the silver background) but otherwise they turned out fine. They had a blast singing, dancing, and playing in the "snow."

Saturday, December 13, 2008

The Incredible Reindeers

Quentin had his first grade musical on Friday and it was really cute. He isn't into things like this, so he told me he was not going to participate. He played the part of Comet, which was difficult for a kid who isn't participating. He mouthed a few words, but no dancing or actions. He also didn't raise his Comet sign, so the girl next to him did it for him. Even though he doesn't like this type of thing, it was a cute musical and I had fun watching the other kids in his class. He even admitted to having some fun!

Evil Kinevil

Zachery decided to pull an Evil Kinevil about three weeks ago and it resulted in a broken arm. He was climbing from chair to chair and fell just right and broke it at the elbow. After three weeks of doctors appointments, x-rays, resetting the bone, and so much more, he finally gets to take his cast off on Monday. In 24 years I barley got a scratch and he has managed a broken bone in only 4 years.

Thursday, December 11, 2008


My name is Tina and I welcome you to my blog. I am a stay at home mom and I have decided to go back to school to get my BA in Elementary Education. I haven't been going for long, but I have 24 credit hours and straight A's. That says a lot for someone who was hardly able to maintain a B in high school. I have four wonderful kids and a great husband!

My oldest is Quentin and he is six years old. He loves animals and dinosaurs and is set on becoming a zooligist. Zachery is four years old and loves the movie CARS and is interested in sports. He loves to pick and pester anyone he can! My youngest are twin girls, Kierstyn and Kariana and they are 2 1/2 years old. They are not really into anything in particular, but the love to sing, dance, and read.

My husband puts up with me and that explains it all! He works at our hometown trucking company in the pumpover area. He is working on becoming a route truck driver as soon as a position becomes available, but likes his job and his pay.