Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Finals, Finals, and More Finals!

Last week I had finals in my Introduction to Life Science and Classroom Instruction classes. I recieved my grades for them and I wanted to share them with all of you. I felt pretty confident about both finals this time, but a little more confident on my Science final, it just seemed to flow better. For my Classroom Instruction final, I recieved a 250/250, with an overall grade of 95.7%.

For my Science final, I recieved a 200/200 with an overall score of 96.7%. That's two more A's for my collection! Yea! My next classes are Supervision and Leadership and Diversity in the Classroom. This is my first week, but so far so good. 42 credit hours down and 18 more to go before I can substitute teach!

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