Because of the tickets James won, there was no rest for the wicked. After the show we went to Golden Coral (majorly packed) of which I was not to impressed. I have been to Golden Coral before, but this one did not match up in my opinion. After dinner we headed back tot he hotel for a quick change out of our sweaty clothes and then we were back on the road for the Grand Jubilee. Unfortunately, I forgot the camera, so ther are no pictures :(
This show had the America's Got Talent final 10 contestant Jason Prittchet. I voted for him so many times when he was on the show and I was excited to get to see him in person (he's hot :)). He was good, but unfortuneatly, I was not impressed with this show. They had some good acts, but for the most part it was a flop for me. James liked it, but his opinion don't matter :) Just kidding! I did get to meet Jason Prittchet during intermition and that was cool! He was so nice and I told James I was leaving him for Jason, my new man :) James said, "He won't want you, a girl that can eat to big tubs of cotton candy is to expensive for any man." I was so mad, because I forgot that I had the cotton candy in my hand that I had bought for the kids and I just realized that I did look like a pig, but it's all good. I stick with my hubby :)
After the show we were off to the hotel for bed. A hot activity filled day that lasts all day equals exhaustion at the end of the day. I did manage to convince James to give me a foot rub though :) Tomorrow we go home!
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