Sunday, June 14, 2009
Sunday-Time to go home!
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Comedy Jamboree-Saturday
Because of the tickets James won, there was no rest for the wicked. After the show we went to Golden Coral (majorly packed) of which I was not to impressed. I have been to Golden Coral before, but this one did not match up in my opinion. After dinner we headed back tot he hotel for a quick change out of our sweaty clothes and then we were back on the road for the Grand Jubilee. Unfortunately, I forgot the camera, so ther are no pictures :(
This show had the America's Got Talent final 10 contestant Jason Prittchet. I voted for him so many times when he was on the show and I was excited to get to see him in person (he's hot :)). He was good, but unfortuneatly, I was not impressed with this show. They had some good acts, but for the most part it was a flop for me. James liked it, but his opinion don't matter :) Just kidding! I did get to meet Jason Prittchet during intermition and that was cool! He was so nice and I told James I was leaving him for Jason, my new man :) James said, "He won't want you, a girl that can eat to big tubs of cotton candy is to expensive for any man." I was so mad, because I forgot that I had the cotton candy in my hand that I had bought for the kids and I just realized that I did look like a pig, but it's all good. I stick with my hubby :)
After the show we were off to the hotel for bed. A hot activity filled day that lasts all day equals exhaustion at the end of the day. I did manage to convince James to give me a foot rub though :) Tomorrow we go home!
Ripley's Believe it or Not
As we first walked in there was some artifacts from other country's. Stuff like odd attire commonly worn or unusual machinery they use, but as you go further through you come to a magic room. You had to guess how many squares were in a picture, try to roll your toungue in a mirror (which turns out to be a two way mirror), try to grab a gem, and guess answers to riddles. This was cool, but I was no good at it. Finally something James could beat me at :)
Then you walk into a room with a Limo and in the trunk of this car was a heart shaped jacuzzi. Also in this room was the laws of gravity bowl and the sign says, drop a coin in this bowl and see what happens. What happens? It falls, straight down the hole and into the underneath. Oops, lost a penny :)
After that came the cool stuff (to me). The had sculptures made of match sticks, camel bone, shredded money, and anything else you could imagine. There was a life size Volkswagon Beetle carved completly out of wood and a ship made out of thousands of matchsticks. It is cool to see, but it makes you wonder how much time people actually have on their hands :)
Of course they had the biggest ball of yarn, but they also had things like insect paintings (real insects that were painted), clothes that were made to fit fleas (believe it or not), and a two headed cow (fake, but based of a real one). I would have to say, it turned out to be pretty cool :)
Branson Trip- Saturday
Friday, June 12, 2009
Legends In Concert-Friday
The First up was Justin Clark and Art Vargas, who played the part of The Blues Brothers. This turned out to be one of my favorites for the night. They were halarious and I couldn't imagine the originals that crazy, but they were. We watched a tribute to them on TV as they sung their songs and these guys were NUTS! During intermition we talked to them for quit some time as well as the other acts and they were all really nice and stayed within character the whole time.
After the break came Gretchen Wilson played by Stacey Whitton (played Marilyn as well). Even though I don't care much for Gretchen Wilson, I went in with an open mind. Howeve, I still did not like this act. I think she did a better job playing Marilyn Monroe, but James and I had fun making fun of the back up dancers. They were the same dancers throughout the show, but in this act they looked extremly gay and were halarious to watch.
Branson Trip-Friday
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Big Surf!
Monday, June 8, 2009
Don't turn your head...
I was making supper and Kariana was standing on a chair looking out the window. As I turned my head to drain the hamburger, I looked backed to find her perched up in the window like a little monkey. Her halo was not as shiny at this point, but she looked so cute, that I had to snap a few pics.
And Then...
Of course, what one does, the other will soon follow. After Kierstyn noticed me taking pictures, she decided that she could do that too. So she had me pick her up and put her in the window and take pictures of her as well. What do I say, but that there is never a dull moment in this house :)
Sunday, June 7, 2009
"I Dressed Myself!"

Let's see; peach shorts, pink shirt, oversized cowboy boots (Zach's), and a purple headband. Let's not forget the rockin' Backyardagains radio that she is Jammin' to :)

Boy, is she proud though!?
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Meneely Family Reunion12 years ago
{Back to School}10 years ago